What a glorious, sunshiney day. Its smells like summer is coming, all green and growing.
Iz, Defi and I went to the river this morning, we watched the swans bathing and grooming, the ducks swimming, the golfers on the opposite bank golfing...and losing balls in the river which was most funny... and we smelled the smells that mean summer is coming, wet, green growing smells. Ummmmmmmm.
So. I have been busy lately, or rather the hubby and son have. After deciding that the time is right to start giving some lessons in how I make my style of beads, the studio had to under go some renovations. Both hubby and son are currently on a lunch break, but within the next couple of hours they will be finished. We just need the pipes tidying away (a quick trip the hardware shop to purchase some clips and bits) and a sweep up and I will be firing up my torch for the first time in over a week....I have missed my torch. I will be posting pictures of the studio, soon, it still needs a lick of paint to brighten the walls, but I have to melt some glass first, with my nice new torch, the Midrange Plus, and I am now connected to oxygen tanks rather than an oxygen generator so will need a little play to get used to the hotter, faster flame. I have a massive grin :)
Seeing as the studio has been out of action for me to play in, I have been playing with another medium. Wool.
I don't knit, I can only do purl and knit stitch and knitting grows so slowly that I get bored, but I do crochet, not very fast, but faster than if I was knitting. I have picked up the hooks several times over the years and made crocheted tops and gloves and little things like that, but nothing ever grabbed me as much as making little creatures out of glass, so my crochet stints never lasted long, until now.
As I haven't been making pigs and cows and dragons and bears in glass, I thought about filling the gap with crocheted ones. I have glass buttons, lampworked ones, that I have been wanting to put on something, thought it would be a jumper for me, but had a little epiphany and not much enthusiasm for a larger garment, I found on line a free pattern for a pig and chicken toy by Michele Wilcox, and using my eye buttons gave piggy a goofy look. Defi loves this toy and is always in trouble for trying to steal it!
After I made the chicken pig, as he is called around here when Defi runs off with him, shouts of 'give back chicken pig' echo around the house, I wanted to make something else. The teddy bear pattern was another free one I found on the internet, again by Michele Wilcox, and when she was made she just looked so naked and cold, so I set about trying to find teddy bear clothes patterns and came up with none. Very disappointing. So I picked up the hook, and set about making teddy clothes, with lampwork buttons, of course. This well dressed bear, has knickers, little top with two buttons, a pinafore dress, hat and shoes. Best dressed ted in the house I think.
Just off out now to fire up my torch and make something in glass, but my interest in wool has definitely been ignited so expect some more animals from me, I have already drawn up plans to create my own patterns, so maybe some glass creatures will find themselves recreated in wool.
Enjoy the pictures of Esme and chicken pig in the garden, you can just see Defi in a couple loitering around ready to run off with chicken pig, who is now safely upstairs out of the way!
Laney x
Wow Laney, there is a talent you have kept very secret, these toys are fab and yes with your lampwork beads are very special. Teaching sound great and I can't wait to see your new studio. Your boys are very kind to you and I am glad to hear you have not been moving any more kilns. The weather has been glorious hasn't it, hugs, Jane x