Monday, 13 May 2013

Spring blossom.

I do love my daily walks down at the river with my dogs and this morning, even though the wind was a bit nippy, it was lovely to see the Spring blossom on the trees.  May is traditionally the last month of Spring so these blossoms are just a teasing that Summer is coming.

The photo was taken on my phone so its not a brilliant quality.

Spring Blossom down by the church at the river

Amazingly, last week I made these gorgeous pink glass flower beads.  I had no idea where I had the 'want' to create them, or from where it came, but I must have been watching the blossoms on the trees without even realizing.  Isn't the semi-conscious a wonderful thing?

Glass Spring Blossoms

These Spring Blossoms are now listed on eBay just click the link to have a look.
Laney x


  1. It truly is a wonderful thing, and so are you lovely flower beads too. Very pretty x

    1. Thanks Elaine x I think it must be a 'getting older' thing, I am noticing all the new leaves and blossoms all around, its lovely though, Spring, promises that Summer is coming :)

  2. Beautiful! We've had rain for days now, but I'm looking forward to seeing flowers in the sunshine.


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