Hubby and I had a lovely walk with Izabel and Nina. (Iz's choccy lab cousin whom is stopping with us whilst my daughter is stopping with sister in law looking after her cousin.) The weather is so snowy and the roads are so bad that even though our houses are only a 10 minute drive apart, its too much of a risk to swop back...not that I am complaining, a beautiful chocolate labrador for a teenage daughter is a good swop!! We walked down to the river which is at least a third frozen over, I couldn't take any lovely photos though as my hubby had managed to put the camera 'card' in an old camera that was broken and threw it out for the rubbish, so this afternoon I had to empty out the bin and find it!
I am looking forward to tomorrow as my daughter turns 15!! Its unlikely she will be here on her birthday, so I am dragging out our old wooden sledge and trekking across town to surprise her, with camera card now retrieved I will be able to take some photos!!